What Questions Should I Ask My SaaS Vendors About AI?

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This is a podcast episode titled, What Questions Should I Ask My SaaS Vendors About AI?. The summary for this episode is: <p>AI has incredible potential to drive value for your business, but it can be easy to get lost in the hype. With so many SaaS vendors now offering AI-powered features and products, how do you break through the noise? In this episode, Ben Pippenger shares the five essential questions you need to ask your current and prospective SaaS vendors about AI so you get the right tools that drive the right outcomes for your organization.</p><p>Have a question you’d like answered on SaaSMe Anything? Submit yours <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd46q9-lJRA1ZCGCmegXCXrGqSCXonMpZhQubNKEd_SWllLmw/viewform" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Takeaways</strong></p><ul><li>[00:07&nbsp;-&nbsp;00:54] Asking the right questions about AI</li><li>[00:54&nbsp;-&nbsp;01:13] Five table-stake questions to ask SaaS vendors about their AI-powered solutions</li><li>[03:57&nbsp;-&nbsp;04:20] Thinking through questions about AI adoption</li></ul><p>SaaSMe Anything is the bi-weekly podcast that brings clarity to the chaos of SaaS, hosted by your resident SaaS expert and Zylo co-founder Ben Pippenger. Connect with Ben on LinkedIn <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/benpipp" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
Asking the right questions about AI
00:46 MIN
Today's topic: Five table-stake questions to ask when being sold AI-powered solutions
00:19 MIN
1: Public domain or proprietary
00:28 MIN
2: How much data do you have?
00:39 MIN
3: Permission to use customer data?
00:33 MIN
4: Using my data to train the model, and how?
00:28 MIN
5: What's the true value of this functionality to your company?
00:31 MIN
Thinking through questions about AI adoption
00:26 MIN


AI has incredible potential to drive value for your business, but it can be easy to get lost in the hype. With so many SaaS vendors now offering AI-powered features and products, how do you break through the noise? In this episode, Ben Pippenger shares the five essential questions you need to ask your current and prospective SaaS vendors about AI so you get the right tools that drive the right outcomes for your organization.

Have a question you’d like answered on SaaSMe Anything? Submit yours here

Key Takeaways

  • [00:07 - 00:54] Asking the right questions about AI
  • [00:54 - 01:13] Five table-stake questions to ask SaaS vendors about their AI-powered solutions
  • [03:57 - 04:20] Thinking through questions about AI adoption

SaaSMe Anything is the bi-weekly podcast that brings clarity to the chaos of SaaS, hosted by your resident SaaS expert and Zylo co-founder Ben Pippenger. Connect with Ben on LinkedIn here.